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Facts about South Carolina

History | Symbols | Interesting Facts | Famous People

Statehood:  May 23, 1788, the 3rd state

Capital:  Columbia

Total Area:  40th among states, 82,931 sq km (32,020 sq mi)

Water Area:  2,792 sq km (1,078 sq mi)

Highest Point:  Sassafras Mountain, 1,085 m (3,560 ft)

Total Population:   24th among states
2010 census -  4,625,364

Population Density in 2010:  153.9 people per sq mi

Distribution in 2000:  61.5% Urban, 38.5% Rural

Gross State Product - $164.3 billion (2010)
Personal income per Capita - $31,799 (2009)

Largest cities in 2010: 
Columbia:  129,272
Charleston:  120,083
North Charleston:  97,471

  • The Saint Cecilia Society, organized in 1767, sponsored America's first symphony orchestra.

  • The first engagement of the American Civil War occurred at Fort Sumter in 1861.

  • The largest organized Native American nation remaining in South Carolina is the PeeDee, with a population of about 2500 in four northeastern counties.

  • South Carolina grows more peaches than any other state except California.

  • The state was the first to secede from the Union before the Civil War.

  • There is a place called Table Rock State Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains. According to Indian legend, a gigantic chieftain dined at the "table" high above ordinary mortals.

  • In 1830, the first U.S. Steam locomotive built for railroad use was put into service in the state.

  • South Carolina was first settled by the Spanish in 1566 and later became an English colony.

  • The first American library house in a separate building was constructed in 1840 at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

  • The oldest formal gardens in the U.S., Middleton Place, was founded in 1740 and took 100 people more than 10 years to complete.

  • Stretching 60 miles from Little River to Georgetown, South Carolina's Grand Strand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States.